Beyond Limits Safeguarding – Speak Up

Beyond Limits aim to consistently promote a culture of openness and transparency that enables staff to SPEAK UP when they witness or suspect an individual is experiencing harm or is at risk of experiencing harm. All staff need to be aware that they can – and must – speak up if they have genuine concerns about the people we support.


Beyond Limits has a zero-tolerance approach to abuse, unlawful discrimination and restraint. This includes:

  • Neglect
  • Subjecting people to degrading treatment
  • Unnecessary or disproportionate restraint
  • Deprivation of liberty

Beyond Limits are committed to safeguarding individuals in our care. This means we consistently aim to provide high quality care and support that will protect the people we support from harm and promote their welfare. Safeguarding is paramount and we strongly encourage all colleagues to raise any concerns about the quality and effectiveness of the care provided to speak up. We promote a psychologically safe environment where colleagues can speak up if they suspect wrongdoing or have any concerns about the quality of care provided.

Beyond Limits will not tolerate any form of inappropriate behaviour or conduct towards any of the people we support. This is a shared commitment and one that applies to all staff, regardless of position or status.

Nominated Safeguarding Lead

The legal responsibility for safeguarding rests with Doreen Kelly as Managing Director, therefore Doreen is the Nominated Safeguarding Lead (NSL) for Beyond Limits. You can contact her on 07714 456403 or via email at

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Although Doreen is the Nominated Safeguarding Lead, day-to-day lead responsibility for safeguarding rests with Kathleen Griffiths as the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). Kathleen is responsible for ensuring that the practice of Beyond Limits is safe and effective. You can contact her on 07779 241386 or via email at

Out of hours

If calling out of hours, please call 01752 546449 and make a report to the manager on-call.

Speak to the Care Quality Commission

If staff are in any way concerned about raising a safeguarding issue using any of the above options, they can raise a concern in confidence with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). You can email them at or call on 03000 616161.

For the benefit of absolute clarity, all staff have a duty of care to the people we support and must SPEAK UP if there are any concerns about potential or actual abuse or harm towards an individual in our care.